Secondly. a sorry - I have hit publish on a blog post for a while, I'm not really sure what's happening, I've just been unorganised and busy. I feel as though I've been working on a lot of posts, but none have got to the publish stage - I didn't even manage to get a Sunday reading post out last week - however, I was in Cornwall doing something exciting, which you will hear all about in tomorrow's post (that's right it's scheduled and everything.)
What have I been up to?
Well, one of my closest friends Jaynie turned 25 at the start of the month, so we went for a meal to celebrate (I know, a lot more chilled and less alcohol-induced than her previous birthdays), it was lovely.
As I have already touched on - I went to Cornwall for the weekend - visited my friend Stacie from Uni, it was so so great to see her, I hadn't seen her in the year so we were in need of a massive catch up, and I got to do some crocheting with New Day Knitwear, and meet some lovely bloggers (all about that tomorrow).
I went for Indian food with my friends Hj and Bry - the food was great, and the chat was also great. I also went to Turtle Bay with Matt, again great food, great chats.
and I passed my theory test! Yay, I was a little late learning to drive starting at 25, but it's better late than never. It was my first time taking my theory, I passed which I'm super pleased with! I didn't find it too challenging, but I used the app to revise pretty much most days for a couple if week - I wouldn't have stood a chance of passing if I hadn't done that.
and of course, I've been working and job searching.
My Blog
I've been quiet on a blog, I think partly because I told myself I'd step back from having a blog schedule, which sort of gave me nothing to aim for. So I'm putting a blog schedule back into place - with the only difference being that, if I'm not 100% happy with a post, I won't post it. I'm aiming to publish posts Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's at 6.30pm, and of course a Sunday reading, at some point, each Sunday. However, I may be skipping days every now and then, as if I'm not completely happy with something, I'm not going to post for the sake of putting content out there. Quality is going to come before quantity, but I'm aiming for both (gotta reach high and all that!).
My Youtube Chanel
I am starting a new series on my Youtube Channel, all of which I'll explain in Wednesday's video. I am a little nervous about it, as it's based around quite a personal topic and I don't want people to get the wrong impression. Having said that, it feels very much like the right thing to do, and there will a video in the series I'm hoping once a month.
Reading - Blogs
In The Frow's How to Overcome Work Tiredness - I definitely don't have as busy of a work-life as Victoria does - but I do like to prioritise my time, and make the most of the day, if I'm not at work to get blog things done, and this was full of great tips.
Watching: Netflix
I recently finished 13 Reasons Why, and have not been able to stop thinking about it. I read the book a few years back (review here), and it had the same effect. I loved the series - I thought it was very well done, and really made some strong points. It makes you think, and if you haven't watched it, you should.
Watching: Youtube
Lily Pebbles Honest Q&A because it's so refreshing to see a Q&A where the questions are beyond what's your favourite lipstick (as much as we all like to hear that, it's I love when things get a little deeper), also Lily's Spring Wardrobe and Haul Video - it was great to see her give credit to those who have inspired her and here the way she been incorporating colour into her wardrobe (I know I mention Lily every week, but I love her channel, she videos are always amazing quality and love how honest and genuine she is).
Listening: Podcasts
The Banging Book Club on A Quiet Kind of Thunder - I really enjoyed this episode, in general, I found Lucy, Hannah and Leena definitely all made me laugh out loud a few times whilst listening(hello, concerned stares on the bus).
Crash on my Couch 1 - I thought the first episode from Will and Arden Podcast was great, and I'm excited to see what else is to come. I love the way they split it into sections, it just made it a little different from any of podcast I've previously listened to. I also like that Will and Arden are a couple because I find it fascinating seeing how couples interact with each other (is that weird? I feel like I've just admitted something weird)
I have rambled on far too long (I missed last weeks, so what did you expect), I'll let you return to your families and chocolate now.
I hope you're all having a great easter!
Love, C. x
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