Bedroom Snippets
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
I thought it would be nice to post a few pictures I have taken of the little details of my bedroom, as I am becoming increasingly more interested in interior and home bits, so I love to look at other blogposts where people share their living space, whether that be bedroom, office, living room etc. I am pretty happy with my little tiny (I must be the only 23 year to still have a single bed?!) bedroom, so I decided it was time I shared it - I hope you like it!
2015 | Word Vomit.
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Despite my New Years promises it's been a little while since I blogged, sorry!
Anyway due to my lack of post this year I thought I'd do a bit of an update post, tell you about my 2015 so far, and what the deal with my New Years goals are two months in, and of course share a few photos too...
Just a few snaps from this year so far. I want to start taking more photos, which I can share on here - I'd love to make my blog slightly more personal, and photos of my life would be a great start.
The past two months have been pretty fun. I've had a lot of fun nights out, see my housemate from uni, caught up with old friends, have some lovely days out and drank a lot of tea (of course).
I feel at the moment I am at the rather strange in-between point in my life which no one warns you about - you know, where you're definitely not a child anymore, but don't feel anywhere near ready to be an adult, you have a degree, but you don't have a clue what to do with it, you have a job, but not a carer. Just stuck in between trying to work out what to do with the rest of your life.
Life seems to be on a bit of a pause while I figure things out. Having said that, I am at a very happy point in my life, despite this complete feeling of loss as I try to figure out what direction to go in now.
I have also been working a lot, although I have two jobs, unfortunately, neither of them are what I want to be doing in years to come, but I enjoy them both, so for now they do, until I figure it out.
I have been thinking of my future a lot recently and speaking to a lot of different people about it. I am considering a few different routes. Quite a lot of people have said they can see me being a teacher, although I have a rather intense fear of public speaking and can be a total pushover, I think I can see it too, so I'm getting myself some working experience at a school and considering applying for a PGCE, it's just one idea, however.
My new year's goals were something I wanted to also touch on in this post. So some of them I have already broken (as always), I have been blogging or uploading youtube videos as much as I intended - mainly because I don't want to force things. I haven't been inspired by blogging, therefore I haven't wanted to blog, so I haven't. I want to keep blogging enjoyable if I have to force myself to do it, it's not longer enjoyable. I do feel my inspiration seems to be coming back though, yay! And with youtube, I decided I want to concentrate on blogging for a while (I know contradicts what I just said, but you understand, right?), I feel there is a lot I can do to improve my blog and as a blogger, and if I'm busy learning how to make videos, I won't be spending the time making my blog all it can be.
I have kept up some of my new years' goals. I have been reading more, I am aiming to read at least one book a month this year, I've almost finished my second now (Gone Girl - you can read my review here), I do plan on reviewing any books I read on here and would love to hear any book recommendations. I have also been writing in my diary quite often which I am finding quite therapeutic, and it's just a nice way to keep memories. I'vebegunn drawing again, although not as much as I should be. I am considering joining a life drawing class soon.
I have had a very happy two months, and I hope the rest of my year continues this way. I have noticed I am becoming more comfortable with myself, more independent and more in control of my emotions and more self-aware. I'm heading in good directions. I feel I am beginning to find myself again, I think because I've started to do the things I love again.
Sorry,y this post is a bit all over the place, I just fancied doing a bit of a casual chatty post, although I must admit I did just kind of word vomit everywhere, these posts feel good to do occasionally.
I hope you're all feeling the same positive vibes I am right now!
Love Chloe
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