5 Hobbies for Self Care | AD - Gifted Items
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Over here on chloeharriets.com, I talk about self-care a lot (see posts here, here and here) because I think the main key to living a happy and fulfilled life is looking after yourself - that self-care thing I'm always banging on about.
Today, I wanted to share some creative hobbies that are good for self-care. Hobbies which I find relaxing and fulfilling because sometimes an evening in front of Netflix just doesn't cut it.
- Crocheting:
This post is in partnership with Love Crafts who reached out to me and asked if I'd like to feature something from their website in a blog post. When I saw they had crochet supplies I, of course, said yes. For years I've been crocheting as a form of self-care. There's something about the repetitive movement, keeping my hands busy (if I'm ever feeling anxious I fidget like crazy which doesn't help, crocheting settles me), and the feeling of 'I made this' (I like that feeling, hence my Etsy store - gotta get that self-promo in somewhere). Until now, I've only crochet blankets, sticking to the few stitches I knew, although I'm sure my friends are have appreciated the baby blankets, for a while I wanted to make more but had no clue where to start with following a pattern and learning new stitches. This gifted opportunity gave me the perfect opportunity to push slightly outside of my comfort zone while doing one of my favourite things. I chose this pattern to be gifted, so I could make a jumper which I love - it's right up there with my style, plus the website also shows pattern difficulty levels - and as this is my first time working from a pattern, I wanted to start easy with beginners. I went for this wool, and also have the appropriate hooks gifted. I'm still not quite finished (I had one of those baby blankets I spoke about earlier to complete before I got started on the project). Once I got stuck into it, I found this to be the perfect self-care activity. It kept me feeling like my evenings we're going to waste. Seeing the jumper begin to form is so satisfying. I get to feel a great sense of achievement and a great sense of chill when I spend my time crocheting, and sometimes even watch Netflix at the same time, the best kind of multitasking. If you're interested in starting a new crochet project, they have tonnes of free patterns available here to get you started.
- Reading:
I've always been a big reader, but it's a hobby which is often easily abandoned when I get busy. After falling a little out of love with reading a few months back, I've recently got back into it, and boy oh boy is it a hobby worthy of my time. Reading is an easy escape from the day-to-day. I read a bit of everything. Self-development books are great for when I want something to motivate and inspire me. Fiction for when I want a break from my own life - it's always nice to dip an imaginary one. I'm currently reading My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing (*affiliate link) - this thriller stylebook is not my go-to read, but I'm hooked - it's even nice being able to look forward to picking up my book when I'm going about my day. I have an online book club, you can read more about #chloeharrietsbookclub here, you can find any book review or book-related blog post here, and follow me on Goodreads here.
- Painting/Drawing:
I've always been a creative person, some of my favourite childhood memories include me sat on a bedroom floor drawing pictures. Similar to reading, painting and drawing are both things I go through phases of doing but when I am putting my time into them, I just feel calmer. It's a hobby which takes my focus in the most relaxed way. There's not really any right or wrong, but there's is the feeling of accomplishment when completing the picture, and the escape strokes of a paintbrush allow. My friend @staciejayneart on Instagram I find super inspiring when it comes to painting, she just paints for the process and produces such beautiful pieces - she really reminds me with should have hobbies for the joy of the process and creativity should be a form of self expression.
- Journaling:
I'm sure I've mentioned a million times (well - here, here and here) how much I love journaling so I won't go on about it too much - just know putting a pen to paper is often both healing and empowering. Whether you're scripting what a day in your life in will look like in the future, or getting something off your chest - moving feelings from the mind onto paper makes all the difference.
- Dancing:
The simple act of moving our bodies is so freeing. Listening to high vibe music, and dancing just get me feeling positive and excited for the what's to come. It doesn't need to be a big deal either. Dancing in the kitchen while you cook your dinner just adds some more fun to your evening, and who doesn't want that?!
What creative hobbies would you suggest for self-care?
Have you tried out crocheting before? One of those free patterns on Love Crafts might just be your next self-care project!
Keep your eyes peeled for a picture on my finished crocheted jumper which I will post on my Instagram once I finish it!
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I'm not going to lie, I used to be a pretty negative person. Most of the time I felt, well...rubbish. I had a habit of feeling sorry for myself for the sake of feeling sorry for myself, rather than taking action and making change, or simply looking on the bright side.
Tips for becoming a more positive person | No Bad Vibes | AD Gifted Outfit
Wednesday, 22 July 2020

A few years ago, after a few firm talks with friends, I decided enough is enough. I didn't want to be that sad girl anymore, I wanted to make my life one I liked, loved even. Fast forward to now, and I'm happy, most of the time. I still have bad days and hard times of course, but on a whole, I'm happier in general. The good days outweigh the bad and my mindset is a pretty positive one. I can find the light in situations which once would have floored me. As dramatic as it sounds, I've transformed my life. My energy has changed for the good. I no longer welcome those bad vibes, at one point I couldn't shake off.
If you're looking to become a more positive version of yourself this is the place to be, as I thought I'd share my tips on keeping the bad vibes away.
- Get to know yourself
This one sounds a little weird, I know, but hear me out. We all have different stress triggers, big or small. When you know what yours are, it's much easier to manage what could become a stressful situation. With me, if I feel like I'm in a rush really leaves me feeling off - so I limit my plans to avoid that super busy feeling. The same goes for happy feelings, there will be certain things which always get you feeling joyful - spend time with those things (for me - hello Gilmore Girls).
- Set boundaries
Setting boundaries will save you time, prevent others from taking advantage of your kindness, stop you spending unnecessarily, and allow you to be aware of your limits. Boundaries make things run smoother and give you a guilt-free way to say no.
- Stop comparing
We all know comparison is the thief of joy, but it's so easy to compare - if that's something you struggle with I'd recommend following Lucy Sheridan on Instagram (I haven't read her book The Comparison Cure (affiliate link) yet but I'm looking forward to diving into it soon). Try to keep your focus on yourself, make your past self your competition not a stranger on Instagram. Write a list of things you love about yourself. Basically, make it all about you - it is after all.
- Slow down
If lockdown has taught us anything, it is that sometimes it's good to slow down. There is no need to be rushing around. When life is too busy it's easy to forget to take the time to enjoy it. Plus, a lot of the time we're more productive when we were thinking with the clarity of a slow mind, not an overactive one.
- Be grateful
Gratitude is so important, it's also easy to forget. Every day take some time to write a list of the things you're grateful for. It will make you realise how fortunate you are.
- Let go
Sometimes it's time to move on. Some things no longer serve us. Replaying times you acted certain ways or constantly mourning a friendship which drifted will only have you feeling blue. Live for the present and the future, not the past.
- Surround yourself with the good
Good people, good music, good podcasts, good environments. The things we surround ourselves with affect how we feel. Consume media which makes you feel good. Give your home a good clean so it's a nice place to be. Unfollow accounts which have you feeling rubbish.
Outfit Details
Pink No Bad Vibes Tee (gifted) - Femme Luxe | Blue Ripped Jeans (gifted - old) - Femme Luxe (similar linked) | Bag - Coach (similar linked - affiliate link) | Trainer - Nike (similar linked)
I hope you found this post helpful! What are your tips for keeping those bad vibes out?
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5 Ways To Find Motivation | What to do when you're feeling unmotivated | AD
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
We can't always be productive and motivated. Sometimes you start your day with good intentions, yet still find yourself scrolling when you should be making your way through a to-do list, completely lacking any motivation to actually do the stuff. I've been there. I know it's frustrating having that nagging feeling of 'I should be doing this' and then desperately trying to push it to the back of your mind because Netflix is calling your name.
Sometimes our motivation levels drop during the day, and other times they're nowhere to be found when we wake up. When we've got things to do, goals to meet. If you want to feel like your best self, a lack of motivation can really get in the way of that. So today I've thought I'd share some tips on what to do when the motivation goes out the window, and advice on where to look for it again.
Here is a list of things to do when you're feeling unmotivated:
- Move
Sometimes we're just feeling a bit restless, our body wants to move rather than sit at a desk typing. So do exactly that. Go for a walk, a run, do a workout video, dance around your bedroom, find your zen by doing some Yoga (I have a full blog post why to do a yoga challenge here) - whatever suits you. Find a way to burn some of that energy. The combo of those post-workout endorphins and a break from the screen might be all you need to get back with that inspiration flowing.
- Change your surroundings
Sometimes, something as simple as working somewhere new can really spice things up - or if that's not an option have a tidy and rejig of your desk. Our surrounding affect how we feel, so if they're feeling a little stale, you probably will too.
- Listen to/watch motivating content
Soon I will do a full blog post on the content I like to watch when I'm looking for that extra push of motivation. Don't underestimate the power of a Youtube video. I always have my most productive days when I've watched a motivating video or listening an inspire podcast while eating my breakfast.
- Vision board
I am a big fan of vision boarding (I have a blog post on it here and videos here and here). It helps to clarify where you're heading and what you're working towards. Plus it actually freaking works (honestly I should have thought it through more when I added a magazine cutting which says "stay home, work out" to my 2020 vision board because it's certainly happened). If you don't feel motivated, it likely that it's because you've lost sight of your end goal - vision boarding will help you to figure out where you want to be heading.
- Take a walk
I pretty much say it every blogpost now (see here, here and here - I guess I'm obsessed with walking) - nature is healing, refreshing and inspiring. If you're not doing your work, you may as well take advantage of the benefits of spending time in the world around you.
- Read
You really can't bring yourself to go through your emails, write that blog post or do whatever you're supposed to be doing? Why not pick up a book? A self-development book might get you considering how to move forward with your goal or a fiction book can transport you to a new world, so your chill time will no longer include that nagging feeling of an untouched to-do list - If you're looking for book recommendations you can find tonnes of reviews here.
Outfit Details
Coming to the end of this post I've realised some of my tips are very similar to what I say in my habits for happiness blog post, but what can I say, for me, happiness and motivation go hand in hand.
I hope you found this post useful! What do you do when you're in need of some motivation?
*The Femme Luxe tee was gifted along with some other pieces which will feature in upcoming blog posts - I could have featured them all together but didn't want to overload this post with images - so I hope you don't mind more gifted posts in the near future.
* Affiliate links are used in this blogpost
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