Now, living amongst the great British weather, I know we do tend to see the sun peeping behind the clouds, get a tad overexcited and feel the desire to throw on our short strappy summer dresses, and strut around - usually before we get caught in a complete downpour.
So now the small talk weather chat is over, let's talk about the little things we can really be excited for this Summer because I think they're unappreciated but they might even beat those much anticipated 5 seconds of Sunshine, and definitely enhance those sun rays.
1) Everybody is happier during summer - please don't tell me I'm the only one to notice? As soon as people are given the option to get their legs out, positivity and good vibes seem to spread across the nation. This time of year just seems to give everyone a boost.
2) There is just so much more to do - Festivals, parties, events, day trips - everything seems to cater to this time of year. It's as though the world comes alive to greet the sun, which may, or may not make an appearance.
3) You don't need to spend money to have a good time. There's something a lot more indulging about going on a summer stroll with friends. Even if you wander around the local fruit and veg market, you get out of the house, get a bit of vitamin D, and get to enjoy those positive vibes I just mentioned.
5) You can go outside without freezing your ass off. Nothing brings joy to my day quite like taking my book outdoors.
6) Ice Cream - I get that they're cold, so why would you want them in winter? but they're so delicious I'd love to eat them all year round. Summer is the best excuse for indulging in a scoop (or several) of your favourite Ice Cream.
7) Toning down the makeup - I feel like as soon as summer comes around, I find myself putting down the foundation and feeling great about it.
8) Water fights. Need I say more?
9) Longer evenings. The evenings are far too short in the winter. It's so nice to get home from work and not feel as though I need to get into bed because it's so bloody dark. I find myself staying up later because of the lighter evenings. It's as if the world is just blessing you with a little more time.
10) Summer clothes. I don't know about you, but I'm excited to pull out my pastel coloured tees and leave my jumper at home.
11) Other people also want to get outside this time of year - the world is definitely a less lonely place during the summer months. Everyone seems to be feeling more sociable. People tend to put down they're iPhones and enjoy the company of others this time of year which is definitely something special.

Outfit Details
Top: H&M (£8.99) (similar linked)
Pinafore Dress: Topshop (£45) (similar linked)
Trainers: Nike (£95) (similar linked)
Bag: Whistles (£189) (Navy Colour no longer in stock, sorry!)
Nail Polish - Nails Inc Old Park Lane (£15)

What are you looking forward to this Summer? Wearing this pinafore is definitely something I'm excited about!
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