Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Recently I decided to mix up how I was applying my foundation and concealer, as for some reason I don't seem to get on too well with foundations and concealer brushes, and I don't really like to use my fingers. So I thought I'd give the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge a go.
Despite using Real Technique Brushes a lot and really like them, I have got to say I didn't have high expectations for the sponge, I think this was mainly because using a sponge reminded me of being young, have no idea how to apply makeup and my fail attempts using cheap sponges - however using this sponge, is fortunately far from my memories of being 15 and failing at applying my foundation to a decent standard using a sponge.
I decided to watch one of the videos on the Real Techniques website before using the sponge so I could see how the sponge was created to be used. I was impressed by the number of uses you can get from this one sponge - it can be used for foundation, concealer under the eyes, concealer on blemishes, cream blusher, and power. When I purchased the sponge I only intended to use it for foundation, I have also been using it for concealer and blusher too which is a nice bonus.
What I like most about the sponge is the clever shape. The shape really allows you to ensure you get in all of the small creases of the face, and all around the nose, I have to say I struggle to find a brush which makes getting in all the nooks and crannies easy.
The main problem I had with using foundation brushes (or any brush to apply my foundation), is that the finish wouldn't look natural, it wouldn't blend as I'd like so I would also have to use my hand for blending too. Using brushes I felt too much like I was painting my face, and I think it looked like it too - maybe I just don't have a great technique with faces brushes, but nonetheless, the finish would not be as I had intended using a brush.
I like my foundation and concealer to look fairly natural, I don't like heavy face make up on myself, just some light coverage, which I think using the sponge is perfect for. Using the sponge allows you to really blend the makeup in to suit the texture (is that the word I am looking for? I'm not sure, but you know what I mean, right?) of your skin.
Using this sponge I have found my base make up has applied quickly and just as I have intended it to.
I would definitely recommend this to those who like natural-looking makeup and if you don't get on too well with face brushes.
I have got to say I am a hopeless romantic, and when I like someone, I tend to really fall for them, and the majority of the time they don't feel the same way, and if they do for a short amount of time it is most likely I scare them off because, to put it bluntly, strong feelings freak me out. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, like to see the good in people and do not like to hold a grudge, which means some people see me as naive, and I often get taken advantage of because of my nature.
So this book was basically written for women just like me.
The book gave me a really clear perspective on my actions, the actions (or lack of actions) of others and most importantly my worth.
What I like most about this book is it is written by both a man and a woman so you get the perspective from both genders, it's not often I get to the opinion of a straight male on my (non-existent) love life, and girlfriends can often not want to hurt your feelings. Also, your friends can (understandably) get a little fed up with you constantly asking advice and opinions on the same guy, so sooner or later you stop asking and begin to overthink every little detail of your (non) relationship with the guy (or girl) in question, which certainly isn't healthy.
The style of writing throughout the book it's very conversational so it's a quick easy read. A lot of the book is as letters to Greg (the male writer) who responds with advice and opinions which are very to the point - which I'd say if what you need a lot of the time you want to believe something which might not be the truth (it's easy to confuse the truth with what you might want).
I've got to say the book was most definitely an eye-opener for me. It has made me realise I make excuses for people not being very good to me in hope that there might be some small part of them which may care for me, I over complicate things in order to find a way to see the good in someone - but it's as simple as people who care act like it, and people who don't, don't.
I am not going to say much more about the messages the book gives in case any of you decide to give it a read, but I will say I would recommend this book to any girl who often finds themselves let down by guys. I expected reading a self-help book to feel slightly belittling and patronising, I mean I'm not stupid (as I said the book isn't something I'd usually read), however, it wasn't at all like that, it just had the balls to say what my friends might not. Rather than making me feel weak as I had expected reading this made me feel empowered and happier with myself.
He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Bizarrely I recently found myself reading a dating/relationship self-help book, which is not something I usually do, or really intended when I bought the book. I ordered the book "He's just not that into you", thinking it was the book which the film is based on, which technically it is, however, I did not look much more into the book, as had assumed it was a fictional story, as the film is.
When it arrived I soon realised my mistake (I should learn to do a little research before buying things), however, I decided to read a couple of pages just to see what it was like - I found myself finishing the entire book that same day. I feel I've taken a lot from the book so it turned out to be a happy mistake.
So this book was basically written for women just like me.
The book gave me a really clear perspective on my actions, the actions (or lack of actions) of others and most importantly my worth.
What I like most about this book is it is written by both a man and a woman so you get the perspective from both genders, it's not often I get to the opinion of a straight male on my (non-existent) love life, and girlfriends can often not want to hurt your feelings. Also, your friends can (understandably) get a little fed up with you constantly asking advice and opinions on the same guy, so sooner or later you stop asking and begin to overthink every little detail of your (non) relationship with the guy (or girl) in question, which certainly isn't healthy.
The style of writing throughout the book it's very conversational so it's a quick easy read. A lot of the book is as letters to Greg (the male writer) who responds with advice and opinions which are very to the point - which I'd say if what you need a lot of the time you want to believe something which might not be the truth (it's easy to confuse the truth with what you might want).
I've got to say the book was most definitely an eye-opener for me. It has made me realise I make excuses for people not being very good to me in hope that there might be some small part of them which may care for me, I over complicate things in order to find a way to see the good in someone - but it's as simple as people who care act like it, and people who don't, don't.
I am not going to say much more about the messages the book gives in case any of you decide to give it a read, but I will say I would recommend this book to any girl who often finds themselves let down by guys. I expected reading a self-help book to feel slightly belittling and patronising, I mean I'm not stupid (as I said the book isn't something I'd usually read), however, it wasn't at all like that, it just had the balls to say what my friends might not. Rather than making me feel weak as I had expected reading this made me feel empowered and happier with myself.
Hot Vanilla Fudge Facemask
Thursday, 20 November 2014
In my most recent haul (which you can find here) you'll know I picked up the Hot Vanilla Fudge Clay Face Mask from Primark for just 90p which I think is such a bargain!
As I used the face mask Saturday I thought I'd do a little review to let you know my opinion on this one so you can decide if it's worth picking up.
I've got to say this product exceeded my expectations - costing just 90p, I didn't think it would be great, but as it was so cheap I have nothing to lose.
Firstly I was super impressed by the scent, although it says it's vanilla fudge flavour I wasn't anticipating it quite to smell so strongly of vanilla fudge, it smelt delicious, I felt half tempted to eat it!
Also, another thing which surprised me was how warming this mask was. As I massaged it into my skin the mask would heat up, which is a strange yet satisfying sensation.
I was also impressed by how much was in one pouch. I used the entire pouch on one face mask for myself, but I didn't need to use so much, I simply continued adding more of the mask to use it up, however, I think if you wanted to do a face mask with a friend, you could probably just about use one pouch for two of you!
I found with this face mask the consistency didn't change too much while the mask was on my face. I expected it to harden after a while on my skin like some clay face masks do but it didn't.
After using the face mask my skin definitely felt smoother and smelt great.
Overall I would recommend this product if you're in need of a little pampering and fancy using a face mask but you don't have much spare money. The only complaint I have about this product is I didn't like the packaging much, as I found it to be quite messy, but considering it cost 90p I can hardly complain about that!
What's your favourite face mask? I'd love to try some different ones out!
Love Chloe
Little Life Update
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
It feels like ages since I have sat and wrote a blog post, however it has only been just over a week. I was getting into a routine of blogging almost daily, and originally planned to publish a blog post every day during November, yet I soon found myself uninspired, and lacking blog post ideas, after some thought I decided I would rather not force blog posts although it would mean not sticking to daily blogging. I don't want blogging to begin to feel like a chore, and I don't want to lose the enjoyment of blogging or forget why I started. At the end of the day blogging is a hobby I enjoy, I do not earn any money (or product) from my blog, so although it nice to have a blog which publishes posts with great photos and thought out content every day, it's nicer to blog for enjoyment without the pressure of forcing a post each day, and I think that enjoyment shines through within the post content, making it a much nicer read.
Another reason the blog posts have been lacking this week is I have started a new job. It's nothing too exciting I am afraid, I am simply working as a Christmas Temp in a retail store. So far I have only been working really short hours, I have found it super tiring as I am still settling into the job and trying to get into some sort of a routine, which is difficult when shifts are constantly varying.
Another (slightly more shallow) change I've had recently is to my hair, I've had my long (it was past my boobs at one point) cut off. I did it in two stages because I didn't want it to be too much of a shock. It now sits just on my shoulders. It is also no longer red. After having vibrant red hair for years I decided I need a change to it, so I have dyed it darker in an attempt to hide the red. Some people have told me it's still red, but it is nowhere near as red as it once was. I've got to say although not many people seem to keep, it's good to no longer to be red. Eventually I want to go a dirty blonde colour, however, that is going to take a while to until all of the red is gone, and then I still have to lighten it (hopefully without ruining my hair too much).
On Saturday night I had a night out in Bristol for mine, Amys and Matts birthdays with some friends which were really nice. It meant catching up with friends, drinking and dancing. I haven't had a night out in town in ages so I felt it was much needed. I meant to take some photos to share on here, but I was too busy having a good time to get my camera out, so I was only in one photo the entire night (which I don't think I look too great in).
Another reason the blog posts have been lacking this week is I have started a new job. It's nothing too exciting I am afraid, I am simply working as a Christmas Temp in a retail store. So far I have only been working really short hours, I have found it super tiring as I am still settling into the job and trying to get into some sort of a routine, which is difficult when shifts are constantly varying.
Another (slightly more shallow) change I've had recently is to my hair, I've had my long (it was past my boobs at one point) cut off. I did it in two stages because I didn't want it to be too much of a shock. It now sits just on my shoulders. It is also no longer red. After having vibrant red hair for years I decided I need a change to it, so I have dyed it darker in an attempt to hide the red. Some people have told me it's still red, but it is nowhere near as red as it once was. I've got to say although not many people seem to keep, it's good to no longer to be red. Eventually I want to go a dirty blonde colour, however, that is going to take a while to until all of the red is gone, and then I still have to lighten it (hopefully without ruining my hair too much).
On Saturday night I had a night out in Bristol for mine, Amys and Matts birthdays with some friends which were really nice. It meant catching up with friends, drinking and dancing. I haven't had a night out in town in ages so I felt it was much needed. I meant to take some photos to share on here, but I was too busy having a good time to get my camera out, so I was only in one photo the entire night (which I don't think I look too great in).
It was a really enjoyable night, it definitely made me realise that I have missed nights out and some friends that I haven't seen in a while.
On Sunday just gone it was my friend Matts birthday so a group of us went out for food (I was surprisingly not too hungover from the night before which is always good!), which was also really lovely. It feels like quite a long time since I've spent time with some of my friends so catching up was nice. It was a nice end to the weekend.
Yesterday when I finished work I had a nice little catch up with my friend Dan (the photo below is a super old photo of us)
Me and Dan had a nice catch-up and did a little shopping. I got myself a Christmas jumper (I'm getting excited already!), and a Harry Potter t-shirt (because who doesn't love Harry Potter?!). We also walked through the German Christmas market in town which felt very festive, and a happy place to be.
I hadn't seen Dan in absolutely ages, but what I love about our friendship is no matter how long it has been our friendship stays the same. We had lots of catch up on, and I got a few things off my chest, and got a bit of advice too. I definitely need to start seeing Dan more often, he's one of the few people I feel like I can talk about anything too.
Despite a few little things (I might do a blogpost, I haven't yet decided if it's too personal) I am a very happy girl.
A Blog Make-Over
Sunday, 9 November 2014
As I have recently found myself taking blog more seriously and enjoying writing posts almost daily, I thought it was about time my blog appearance followed suit and reflected how much time I spend blogging, the enjoyment I get from it and more of who I am. My previous blog theme was something I had installed for the meantime so I could enjoy blogging but never intended to keep, as I felt it was boring, not at all personal, had no relation to myself, blog content or anything for that matter - it was just plan, and also looked unprofessional. I felt the weakest part of my blog was the theme.
So I decided to change it... originally I tried to do this myself, however I just found myself become frustrated and as I found my blog was slowly beginning to look worse rather than better. - That's when I realised I needed some help.
I, however, did not want to spend much money on my blog makeover as I am not earning any money from my blog, nor do I have much to spare.
I ended up contacting Trisarahtops Smiles who redesigned my blog for me. I paid £15 in total, £5 deposit and £10 more once I was happy with the overall design, which I think is great value considering what some people charge for blog design.
The process was so much easier than I imaged - I contacted Sarah about how the process worked and she responded helpfully and almost immediately. She told me that she had some other blogs to work on but as soon as she had finished those she would start on mine, I expect to be waiting a little while before she has a chance to get started on mine, however it was only a week or so later that she contacted me with an initial banner design for my blog.
I've got to admit I was very surprised by how accurate the first draft of my banner was, it was very close to what I was looking for which I didn't expect, especially as I felt the descriptions I gave were not the clearest.
I gave Sarah a few small changes to make, which she made immediately, and very shortly email I new draft of the banner over to me to see if I was happy with the changes.
Once Sarah sent me the initial banner design it only took a matter of days before my completed blog design was ready and installed. I was so impressed with how quick the process was, how understanding Sarah was of my ideas and how much was communicated with me throughout the proccess.
I absolutely love my new blog design, it's nicer that I could have imaged and is exactly what I was looking for. If you're looking to have your blog redesigned I would strongly recommend going to Trisarahtops Smiles!
I hope you all like my new blog design as much as I do!
Love Chloe
ps this post is not at all sponsored and I have not been asked to write this, I am just so happy with my new blog I wanted to talk about the process of its make over :)
Mini Haul
Saturday, 8 November 2014
I found myself picking up a some little bits in town a few days ago, nothing big just a some odd bits and bobs, however I thought it was worth sharing with you nonetheless.
I got these two candles scented candles from Primark. I literally couldn't believe how cheap they were, the small one was 80p and the bigger one was £2, what a bargain! I have lit them a few times, and so far I have been impressed, next time I'm in a Primark I am going to get some more as I would like to give some of the other scents a try, and you can't exactly go wrong with those prices!
While I was in Primark I also got a few other small bits. I decided to pick up a beanie, mainly for practical reasons, I wanted to walk around town a bit more but I was feeling the cold, so at £2.50 I had no reason to not get myself a knitted hat to warm myself up a little.
... and on my way to the till I found myself picking up a Hot Vanilla Fudge face mask, as it was only 80p so I thought I may as well give it a try.
As well as having a look in Primark I also popped into Superdrug where I picked up a Colab Dry Shampoo and Tanya Burr individual lashes.
I don't usually bother much with dry shampoo, I find it usually leaves so much white powdery stuff in your hair it always seems more hassle than it's worth, however, I've heard so many good things about Ruth Crilly's dry shampoo range Colab that I wanted to give it a try to see if it lives up to the hype. I gave all the scents a little smell in the shop and decided to go with the Rio Tropical scent as I like it more - however I didn't dislike any of the scents, so if I like this product I will definitely be giving the others a try too!
I don't usually wear fake lashes but once again curiosity (and my love for Tanya Burr) got the better of me so I have decided to give these a try. As I am having a night out with friends to celebrate my and two friends birthdays, so I thought as I have a night I want to make an effort to look nice, if I want a night I am going to try false lashes that is the night.
Last but not least, I couldn't not pop into a Lush store while I was shopping...
In Lush, I decided to get this Butterbear as it was pretty cheap and I wanted something nice for my bath without spending too much.
You may see some of these product pop on my blog soon if I fall in love with any of them and decide to review them.
I hope you've all had a lovely day.
Love Chloe
Being 22 in photos...
Friday, 7 November 2014
As I officially turned 23 yesterday I thought today it would be nice to share with my blog some photos/memories from being 22 and everything that's happened in the past year of my life. Be aware... there are a lot of photos so I'm going to do it in a few different collages...
Left to right:
♥ 22 birthday celebrations with Amy in Plymouth ♥ Blowing out candles ♥ Birthday night out at home with some favourites ♥ Classy toilet photo with Amy ♥ Myself and Daniel ♥ High Side Ponytails with Jessy ♥ Night out with Jessy, Benj and Matthew John Tovey ♥ We've gained a hat ♥ Kisses for Jaynie ♥ The best outfits with Rosie♥ Cowboy Benji ♥ Matt visiting Plymouth ♥ Pouting with Mummy ♥ Mothers day ♥ Happy Birthday Jaynie ♥ Myself and Matt ♥
Jaynieeee ♥ Myself and Hannah ♥ Kisses for Dan ♥ My buds ♥ Jesses ♥ Favourites ♥ Flowers in my hair ♥ Jess and a view ♥ Walking shot ♥ Myself and Jessy V ♥ Rosie and Josie ♥ Fashion show day with Stacie ♥ Final Collection ♥ Excited buds ♥ 'Now we've got to get jobs' faces ♥ Fashion girls
♥ Buds ♥ Watching Fashion Show Run through ♥ GFW with Favourites ♥ Myself and Hannah ♥ Welcome home Kerry drunkeness ♥ Foam Party ♥ Myself and Matt ♥ Pretending to be 16 with Jaynie and Amy ♥ Wedding fun ♥ Red headed cousins ♥ Sister sister ♥ Happy 18th Birthday Elle ♥ Drinks with Jess and Hannah ♥ Night out with Jen♥ Graduation
Happy Birthday to me!
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Today is my 23rd birthday! I can hardly believe I am 23, I only feel (and look) about 16.
I just thought I would share on my little blog what a lovely day I am having, and pictures of cake because everyone loves cake, right?!
As I have now finished uni this is the first birthday I have had been at home in 3 years, so it is really nice to see family on my birthday and be in my family home.
Earlier today I went out with my sister for lunch and hot chocolate, she booked the day off work so I didn't have to be home alone on my birthday which was super sweet of her.
When we got back my mum then returned home from work with the cutest and yummiest cupcake for me.
I then got to open some lovely presents in a room which mum had completed with a Happy Birthday sign and balloons.(how cute is my mum?!). All my presents have been super thoughtful and much appreciated, maybe I'll share some of them with my blog at some point.
I have received lots of lovely birthday messages, my favourite had to be the one from Jaynie which included a collage of old pictures of us, just being a bit weird!
Later on today I am going for a family meal, and also have a night out with friends next weekend, so I have birthday celebrations to still look forward to, if I take any nice photos I am sure they'll pop up on my blog at some point!
I am a very lucky girl and I am having the most perfect birthday!
I hope you're all having a good day too,
Love Chloe
john green
zoe sugg
Reading List
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Despite being the little book worm I am, whilst being at university reading was something I somewhat neglected. I either had far too much uni work to be getting on with, or living as a student there was always something, or someone to distract me. I, therefore, decided that when I finished uni the first thing on my do list (besides getting a job and figuring out what I want to do with my life, of course) was of course re-read my all-time favourite series, Harry Potter. I am now halfway through The Order of the Phoenix, and as I feel I will soon finish the series all over again, so I can't help but make a mental list of what I would like to read next now I am back into the swing of reading regularly, so I thought I'd share with my little blog what's on my reading list...
1) Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
This book hardly needs an introduction, I'm sure you have all heard tonnes about it, especially since the recent movie release. I have only heard good things about this book, and definitely want to make sure I get around to reading it before I watch the film.
2) Not that kind of Girl - Lena Dunham
If I'm honest I don't know all that much about Lena Dunham, however, I've heard good things about this, and I'm curious.
3) The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern
Tanya Burr spoke about this book a few times in vlogs and a favourites video (and as we all know I'm Tanya's biggest fan), ever since hearing about it, I've been looking forward to reading it. I get the impression it is a really gripping read where you get lost in another world which is exactly what I love in a book.
4) Girl Online - Zoe Sugg
This is actually listed as a children's book and as I turn 23 in a few days I'm slightly out of the demographic... however I couldn't not include this. I'm super excited to get my hands on Zoe's book when it comes out, I'm just really curious to see what it is like, and I feel slightly more connected with it already as I know a lot more about the author than I do with most books.
5) Paper Towns - John Green
I have been a big fan of John Green since before all the hype around The Faults in our Stars as I read Looking for Alaska about 4 years ago and it has been my favourite book ever since, however still the only two John Green books I have read our The Faults in our Stars and Looking for Alaska as I mention I abandoned reading for quite a while, now I'm reading more and more I'm itching to pick up another book by John Green to see if he can impress me yet again. I've heard great things about Paper Towns so I'm really looking forward to reading this one.
6) #Girlboss - Sophia Amorusa
Another one I have heard good things about so I'm curious. Not my usual read but I think this could be really insightful and interesting.
What books are your favourites and what have you got on your reading list?
Love Chloe
When you're done feeling sad...
Monday, 3 November 2014
From yesterdays post you might have been able to tell I was having a bit of a down day. We all have off days where we're either feeling a little sad, sensitive or even angry, so after having a day like that yesterday I thought I would address how I go about coming out of the sad mist, and prevent myself from heading down a downward spiral of unhappiness, as life doesn't always turn out as planned and can therefore sometimes feel quite disappointed, to say the least.
First off I want to say I think sometimes it is quite important to let ourselves feel sad (or angry, or hurt, whatever negative emotion you might be feeling), it's a human emotion and I like to think there is a reason we sometimes feel sad. Of course, I only mean to a certain extent, it is no good feeling sorry for yourself (I'm a bit of a hypocrite I admit I have previously been guilty of this), but sometimes we need to cry. Emotions can get too much and they're not used in letting to build up to an extent you feel like you and going to explode - as I'm sure you might think you did a good job of hiding all these emotions but your friends may notice your slightly shorter fuse, you may also explode with emotion at the wrong time, wrong place, and around the wrong people. You get my point, right? Be sad if you need to be, if you feel sad. Don't feel sad for the sake of feeling sad.
Once you've felt sad, maybe had a bit of a cry and all these emotions swirling around in your mess of a head seem to have dissolved or settled in some small way then it's time to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, wipe away your tears and then, what?
I think if you have just had a bit of an emotional break down, you might be feeling okay now it's over, but it's a clear sign things have been getting on top of you and you need to take some time out, otherwise I feel the next little breakdown may come a little sooner than you would like.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a long time out, it can literally be an hour or so - just some time to refresh your head.
Here are some little things I like to do during this time:
First off I want to say I think sometimes it is quite important to let ourselves feel sad (or angry, or hurt, whatever negative emotion you might be feeling), it's a human emotion and I like to think there is a reason we sometimes feel sad. Of course, I only mean to a certain extent, it is no good feeling sorry for yourself (I'm a bit of a hypocrite I admit I have previously been guilty of this), but sometimes we need to cry. Emotions can get too much and they're not used in letting to build up to an extent you feel like you and going to explode - as I'm sure you might think you did a good job of hiding all these emotions but your friends may notice your slightly shorter fuse, you may also explode with emotion at the wrong time, wrong place, and around the wrong people. You get my point, right? Be sad if you need to be, if you feel sad. Don't feel sad for the sake of feeling sad.
Once you've felt sad, maybe had a bit of a cry and all these emotions swirling around in your mess of a head seem to have dissolved or settled in some small way then it's time to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, wipe away your tears and then, what?
I think if you have just had a bit of an emotional break down, you might be feeling okay now it's over, but it's a clear sign things have been getting on top of you and you need to take some time out, otherwise I feel the next little breakdown may come a little sooner than you would like.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a long time out, it can literally be an hour or so - just some time to refresh your head.
Here are some little things I like to do during this time:
- Spend time with family - despite living with my family I do not feel I actually spend much time with them, as I live with them I don't tend to make time for them like an I do friends, and I definitely do not appreciate them enough. Today I had the perfect girly day of shopping, cooking and not really doing much with my mum, and it felt like exactly what I needed.
- Have an internet break - I admit I'm guilty of not doing this often enough, however you will find it can be quite refreshing to step back from my blog, twitter and instagram for a while.
- Catch up with my favourite youtube videos - This one totally contradicts the last, but we don't have to do them all at once, right? It doesn't require much thought, you might learn something, it might make you laugh, and it just allows you to get lost in someone else life when yours is feeling too much
- Read - I am a massive bookworm, I love reading. There's nothing like a good book to make me forget my problems and chill out. As with the youtube videos reading allows you to get lost in somebody else's life, which is always nice.
- Get out your sketchbook - Since finishing University I have hardly drawn, despite it being a favourite hobby of mine, it's definitely something I want to get back into. When in the right mood I find drawing can be very therapeutic, plus you might create something worth keeping.
- Have a bath and a face mask - these might come hand in hand with the reading and youtube videos, there's nothing like a bath with your favourite bath products when you need to wind down
- Exercise - It is good for your body and mind, why not?
- Crochet/knit - I've recently been learning hand knit and crochet and now I've got into the swing of it I have to say, it's quite a nice little activity to do when you want to chill.
Love Chloe
by terry
jimmy choo
soap and glory
October Favourites...
Saturday, 1 November 2014
I swear it only feels like yesterday I was writing my September favourites, yet it's already time to share the things I've been loving during October!
Let's start with beauty...
This hardly needs introducing as I have spoken about it in a fair few blog posts and vlogs, it's the By Terry Ombre Blackstar shadow stick in the shade Misty Rock, I'm not going to talk too much about this I have already done a blog post dedicated entirely to this product which you can find here. I have been wearing this product almost constantly throughout the month.
The next thing I've been loving throughout October is the Brow Archery Pen by Soap and Glory, I have this in the shade Brownie Points. I find my brows look much more natural when I use this, as opposed to the Brow Zing Set by Benefit which was my go-to brow product before I got my hands on this. Also, the application is quick, easy and lasting. The brow pen comes with two ends - the thicker end is a soft waxy crayon, and the thin end is a fine pen. I have mainly been using the crayon end but adding the odd bit of definition using the pen. I really love that there are two different sides to this brow pen, it gives you the option to have different brow looks depending on the rest of your make up and what you're up to.
A fragrance I have recently been enjoying lately is Jimmy Choo which my Mum kindly bought me as a gift from her holiday. I am pretty rubbish at describing scents, so rather than trying, here's how the perfume in described according to The Perfume Shop: "Jimmy Choo Parfum expresses an aura of strength and beauty and has a dazzling aura of glittering femininity.
Glamorous in attitude, confident, intelligent and with a sense of fashion and fun, the fragrance is a modern Fruity Chypre with warm, rich, woody depths. It’s a fragrance inspired by modern women – strong, empowered, beautiful, seductive and alluring with a hidden and mysterious sense of confident sexuality." - to keep it simple, I really like this perfume, and I also get compliments on it so apparently others like it too, so go give it a spray.
I recently picked up the Pretty Quick Instant Nail Polish remover (similar linked), rather than my usual liquid nail polish remover and cotton wool pads. I've got to say I'm pretty impressed, it really quick and easy to use, you simply pop your finger in the tub which has a sponge soaked in nail polish remover with little hole for your finger, then twist and bam you're nail polish is off. It's also super good value for money.
Recently been I have enjoying is these Naked Superfood Smoothies. My favourite is this blue machine one, but I do also like the other flavours too.
I'm not usually much a smoothie person, however, I decided to try one of these with a Boots meal deal, and I've got to say they are delicious and healthy. I can't stop drinking them!
What have you been enjoying throughout October?
Love Chloe
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