It has been a while since I've written a little Sunday reading post, I just wasn't completely happy with the quality of them, so decided to take a little break from them - however as I really enjoy writing them, they are back, yet they might be a little more sporadic as I don't want them to lack in quality because they're been rushed some weeks.

Life, Thoughts, Feelings.
So, if you regularly read my blog, or have spent some time with me, you'll know recently my mental health hasn't been at it's greatest - there is a post all about it here - however over the past 2 weeks or so, my mindset seems to have completely flipped and I'm feeling happier and more determined than ever - I think I'll going to write a full post, or maybe even do a blog series on this so keep an eye out. I am feeling very content at the moment.

Out and About.
I've recently visited Wild Place with my friend Matt (vlog here, and post here), which was lovely, so much better than I expected. I went shopping in Cabot Circus and tried Bagel Boy (post here) with my friend Hj (vlog here), and has afternoon Tea and catch-ups with my friends Jaynie, Gina and Steph (vlog and post coming soon - keep your eyes peeled!) All of which filled me with joy - I'm feeling very thankful for my friends.

My Blog
I've been making an effort to take my camera everywhere - even if I don't have plans to blog, and although my bag is a whole lot heavier I am so happy I've decided to do it, it means I get to practise my photography and am gaining much more blog content, and capturing memories.
I'm feeling very happy with everything I've posted recently. I definitely want to start posting some more reflective stuff on the blog soon (I've been watching a lot of One Tree Hill and feel inspired by Lucas's writing/voice overs).

My Youtube Chanel
I have been really enjoying vlogging recently - so there are quite a few new vlogs up on my channel - my vlogs seem to get fewer views - I don't know whether that's because of the 'Dear Dad' title (I explain that here) or they're just not reaching people - but I put tonnes of effort into them, and it would be great if you could check them out. I feel like my style is really developing, and I'm feeling pleased with how they are turning out.

My main videos have taken a bit of a back seat because of this, however, I have a few exciting ones planned - including a lipstick collection and clear out coming Wednesday (hopefully, I having a few technical difficulties getting the footage to my laptop at the moment!).

You are Badass by Jen Sincero - It's no secret I love a good self-help book and this one is really inspiring so far.
Wish Wish Wish - Red Rock (Beautiful Photography!)
Amelia Liana - 25 Thoughts on my 25th Birthday (Happy Birthday!)
Sprinkle of Glitter - Baby Pentland is on the way! (Congratulations!!)
Cassidy Lou - On having it all together (can relate!)

One Tree Hill - because who doesn't love Lucas Scott! I've just finished season 4.
The Michalaks - A Very English Seaside

Emma Gannon CTRL ALT DELETE with Otegha Uwagba
Lily Pebbles and Anna Newton At Home with Madeline Shaw
Arden Rose and Will Darbyshire Crash on My Couch

I hope you've all had a fab week!

All my love,
Chloe xx
