So recently I've not been needed at work much which has led to not having much money and being bored and frustrated at home alone. Yesterday I was feeling pretty down about the whole situation, then I realised feeling sorry for myself and doing nothing is definitely not going to help, and I definitely do not want to become a negative bitter person (sorry this is getting a little deep for a post about how I'm dealing with boredom). I've realised there is no need to be some negative (especially about such little things) after all every cloud has a silver lining.
I've decided to stop being negative and take advantage of this free time, and use it productively. So today I'm going to try to use my time to get all the little things I always intend to do and never get a chance to do. Also, I've got an interview for the most perfect job tomorrow so I want to make sure I'm really prepared for. Anyway, here are some little tasks I want to get done today:
I've decided to stop being negative and take advantage of this free time, and use it productively. So today I'm going to try to use my time to get all the little things I always intend to do and never get a chance to do. Also, I've got an interview for the most perfect job tomorrow so I want to make sure I'm really prepared for. Anyway, here are some little tasks I want to get done today:
- Tidy and organise my room. It's already pretty tidy but organising definitely makes things feel better, and it just creates a nice environment. Also over the weekend, I'm heading to Plymouth to collect the rest of the stuff, so I need to make sure I have plenty of space for it all.
- Put some bits and bobs on eBay. I recently went through some of my things and have some good quality bits I want to put on eBay to make a few extra pennies, and give some items a nice home (my eBay)
- Sort my underwear drawer. it's literally overflowing
- Paint my nails
- Look up interview questions
- Pluck my eyebrow
- Sort through my portfolio
- Exercise, going for a run always makes me feel great
- Draw
- Read
- and of course.. blog
So this is a bit of a boring post (more of a do to list that anything else) but I just though I'd share with you guys how I can switch my negative energy into something more productive.
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