My Models Wearing My Fashion Graduate Final Collection on during Fashion Show.

I've finally made it to to the of my degree. As you may know, the third year of a Fashion degree usually consists of creating a final collection from initial inspiration through to designing and making the garments. You then showcase that collection of 6 outfits in a fashion show at the end of the year. 
I opted to make both men's and women's clothing. My collection included two dresses, three tops, two pairs of trousers, a pair of culottes, a jumpsuit, two capes and even some leg and neck warmers. I used a range of techniques within my collection, such as quilting and knitting which became main features.

So, here are some images of my final collection on the runway. As you can see I opted to make 4 women's outfits and two men outfits.

The build-up to the fashion show is very nerve-wracking, having worked so hard on the collection for months before. There's a lot of pressure for your garments to come out the way you'd imaged.

As a third-year student, I got to watch the show, leaving the dressing, hair, makeup and modelling to others, which left me feeling both relaxed and anxious at the same time. I knew anything that went wrong was out of my hands, which is both freeing and daunting. Thankfully nothing did go wrong, with my collection or throughout the entire show.  

The show was a success and I am so proud of everyone involved, myself included. I couldn't have asked for it to have gone any better. It is really strange to think my three years of University are over. It has flown by. I'm quite terrified to think it's now time to start my adult life and find a real job... fingers crossed I'll fall into something I love.

I am so proud to think how much I've grown up and all that I've learnt throughout my University experience, both when it comes to fashion, and life in general It's crazy to think I pretty much failed AS textile, twice, and soon enough I'll be graduating with a BA(Honours) degree in Fashion.

My Models Wearing My Fashion Graduate Final Collection on during Fashion Show.

My Models Wearing My Fashion Graduate Final Collection on during Fashion Show.

My Models Wearing My Fashion Graduate Final Collection on during Fashion Show.
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