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When putting together #chloeharrietsbookclub, I found it most challenging choosing the perfect books for those months I was on holiday. (I returned home this week and can truly say, I made some great choices - reviews coming soon on my Instagram). What to read while I'm away, can really enhance how I feel about the holiday, that books and those characters will forever remind me of that trip, so it's important to get it right. I want to read something will add more chill to the holiday, not something which is going to leave me stressed, or crying on the beach. I remember choosing The Fault In Our Stars for my holiday reading a while ago before it was so well known, we lead to some pretty depressing beach reading. You want something lighthearted and empowering to reading during the Summer - so I've raided my bookshelves to find all the books which I think would be a great fit and put together a list of my recommended holiday reads, along with where you can read my more in-depth thoughts on the books.

So here are the books I'd recommend for planes and by the pool:

Young Adult Fiction:


Adult Fictions:

  • Essays in Love by Alain De Botton - the other book I read on holiday this year, review coming to my Instagram soon.
  • Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aicman - okay, this one might make you cry, but it's so wonderful I had to include it - You can read my review here.
  • My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella.

Self Help

I hope this is helpful! What books are your favourite summer books?
If you enjoy book content, you may also enjoy this playlist on my Youtube channel!


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