I always tell people I don't watch much TV, because it's true, however I tend to leave out my reasoning for not watching much Telly is because, if I start a series, I find myself getting seriously hooked, it becomes all I do, and if I'm not watching the series, I'm thinking about it. I can finish a series and then put on Netflix to watching from the start all over again.
Here are some of the series I've found myself becoming obsessed with:
Here are some of the series I've found myself becoming obsessed with:
- Gilmore Girls - I thought I'd go for the obvious one first, if you read my blog, or follow me on twitter (@chloehayfs by the way), you'll know I recently rewatched Gilmore Girls, and I think I'm even more obsessed with it this time around. It's just such a feel good series, with good characters and it's easy to watch. Besides my undying love for Jess, there are so many good things about Gilmore Girls, I think it really interesting to see how Rory changes as she gets older through the series, and how Lorelai's affections seem to so naturally flicker between Luke and Chris, alongside, of course, the obvious, get crazy coffee chats between Rory and Lorelai, and heated conversations between Lorelai and Emily. I just love this series. It's got some good quotes, and it just makes me feel great when I watch it.
- Pretty Little Liars - My second obsession... I just began watching this again from Season one, as I finished Gilmore Girls and The latest season of PLL came to an end, I couldn't deal with a life without either. This series is so good, and it gets better as it goes on. The first series is definitely not the same standard as the rest. They are alway amazing twists, it's never what you expect, and there's some damn good acting. Aria is definitely my favourite Liar, but there's also a space in my heart for Emily. The most recent series especially has been beyond intense, I've never known a series where so much can happen in one episode.
- One Tree Hill - I haven't watched this in a good few years now, but still, I have a special place in my heart for Lucas Scott (I'm also making a mental note to rewatch this when I finish with PLL). I love this series, I think it's so well written, the characters are great and so much happens. It's just good. There is still a part of me that wants to be Peyton Sawyer, and there's a very big part of me that is still gutted that Chad Micheal Murry and Hilarie Burton before the last few series ended. They were still good, but they weren't the same.
- Homeland - I was obsessed with Homeland, I've only watched it once before, and didn't watch it after (spoiler alert) Brody died, because they killed off my favourite character and I was pissed (I will go back and the rest at some point soon). Homeland is just so good. You're never quite sure if people are who you think they are, and I loved how the series revolved around a character which you never felt sure of, I mean one minute Broody was a good family man, the next he was trying to blow people up. I also think the underlying romance between Carrie and Brody was great. This series is so good and so well written, if you're into CSI type programmes, it's definitely worth checking out, the storyline is so clever. (and oh dear lord I've just realised it's on Netflix, I need to watch it again!)
- Sherlock - I don't think I ever get more engrossed in TV than when I'm watching Sherlock, I love Sherlock, it's always so clever, well filmed, and sometimes even a tad humorous. I just love the series, I mean, who doesn't love a good murder mystery?!
What TV programmes are your favourites?
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